Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Land of Kreatora, Part 3; Magic


  - Because Kreatora is a magical world, there are several different types of magic in it. Some can be learned, others must be won, and still more are determined by birth. There are limitations on who can become what based on race or gender, though there aren't many such barriers.

  - Rhythmic, The Oldest Magic: Before creating the world, The One sang the Stars into existence. After The One wove the Land, Sea, and Sky into existence, he and his Chorus of Stars sang to create the Creatures that walk the continent of Kreatora. By learning how to judge the rhythm of a spell, anyone can cast it, provided they can speak or sing to that time and tempo, and they have a Focus to amplify the Rhythm. In Kreatora, two types if mages use this verbal system: Bards and Wizards. Bards focus on committing Rhythms to memory in the form of songs, choosing focus over variety. Wizards, on the other hand, collect as many spoken Rhythms as possible, generally in the form of Poems or Heroic Prose. They stuff as many Rhythms as they can into their spell-book, and are able to retain each Rhythm well enough to orate at least once per rest. [ In actual D&D terms, basically all spells cast by Bards and Wizards gain the "Verbal" and the "Material (Focus)" tags, and lose the "Somatic" tag. I'll add more info on Bards and Wizards when I do Class Overviews for them.]

  - Spellweaving, the Art of Magi: To create the walk-able world of Kreatora, The One wove a great Tapestry, an expansive and colorful map that underlays the seen world, invisible to the creatures of the Land. Those able to Spellweave are able to see both the Seen World and the Tapestry, and can pinpoint where they connect. Because of this, they can affect the Seen World by adding to the Tapestry. To the most experienced Spellweavers, making earthquakes or conjuring storms are child's play. Spellweaving is an art that cannot be taught to all. Only those who are born with the talent are able to learn Spellweaving, an very few men are born with that talent, if any at all. This magic is primarily found in the Elves, as they are born off Magi, the original users of this form. Some Sylvans, Orcs, and other creations of the Magi may find the talent in themselves, as the residual energy from the original spells blossoms new traits in later generations. ["Spellweaver" will be a new "Sorcerous Orgin" only available to a group of predefined races. There's no change to spells cast by Spellweavers.]

  - Order, the Power of the Law: As part of the covenant with the Stars that grants them power, Paladins and Rangers,not to mention most of the Aristocratic and Ruling Class, are given magic that relies on the law. As these powers are linked to the law, they may not be used to break the law. If the user breaks the law without good reason, he is rendered powerless until he atones. [Any spells cast by a Paladin or Ranger gain the "Lawful" tag, basically meaning it cannot be cast to obstruct the law without good reason, and cannot be cast by anyone of a non-lawful alignment.]

  - Naturalism, the blessing of the Land: When anyone, be they Man or Orc, Elf or Sylvan, bonds with one of the Elemental Forces, they are granted magic with which to defend the land. To them, control over the elements it granted, and the loyalty of beasts are gifted. There are two major types of Naturalists based on these abilities: Elementalists and Vitamancers. Elementalists generate and manipulate the 5 elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Lightning. They can bend the elements to their will to defend the natural world. In the presence of Vitamancers, barren flowers bloom and savage beasts turn tame. By directly influencing the life force of plants and animals, Vitamancers can expand on the nature of plants and animals, making them stronger and more resistant to the corruptions of man's industry. [ Druids now have the Elementalist and Vitamancer circles, and spells accordingly].

  - I'll expand on magic a bit more later on, mainly with Dragon Magic and Star Seer (Cleric) magic. I'll be travelling without my computer for about two weeks starting the 17th, so I won't be able to update. I'll get into a more cemented update schedule when school starts.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Land of Kreatora, Part 2: Races

Races of Kreatora

  - Here are some Racial origins and descriptions. At this moment, there are no Dwarfs, Halflings, or Gnomes, though there might be later on. I'll also be adding more races later on, such as the Valenzarii (Vampiric humanoids created by the Fallen Magi), Sylvans (Dryads and Naiads), and more info about Lycanthropy. If you missed Part 1, you might want to check that out before reading this. Click HERE to read some background information about Kreatora. Enjoy, and tell me what you think! Seriously, I can use all the help I can get.

  - Humans, The most common race of Kreatora: The first Mortal race to walk the land, most Men stood meekly beside the Immortal Magi, Dragon Lords, and Elementals. However, some men decided to forge a place of their own next to these colossi despite their short lives and lack of magical talent, and thus broke the mold. These men became the Lords and Ladies of the land, and their children became the mighty Kings and the gentle Queens of legend. Man is born to be good, and yet their mortality tempts them to cheat, steal, and kill to reach their goals. As with many races, Man is fallible, but they are not without guidance, for Seers, Oracles, and Prophets are born to walk among them, and show them which path to walk.

  - Elves, Magically Long-Lived: When a Magi became a consort to a human ruler, their union resulted in Elven Children. While the Elves born of Kings of Men generally were accepted into society and weren't treated all that differently, Elves born to the Fallen Magi and human concubines were cast out as unwanted. The Great Moon Queen Luna took pity on these outcasts, and guided them to safe homes in the Moonlit Meadows. When the Meadows were destroyed by the corrupt spells cast at Mount Solace by the desperate Fallen Magi, the majority of Elves left Kreatora's continent. Some sailed west, and with the help of the Moon Queen, created a new island for the Elves. Others simply disappeared, rumored to have left the world altogether and joined the Moon Queen and her entourage in the great night sky. The remaining Elves walked the land, some settling down to live in peace, and some remaining homeless, trekking across the continent and doing great deeds with the guidance of the Moon Queen. Elves share the ability to use magic with their Magi ancestors, and their mortality with their human parentage. While they cannot die from old age, Elves can be killed by enemies, rivals, or unfortunate accidents. However, they do have something that most humans don't: Magic. With practice, an Elf can weave spells as powerful as any Magi's. As such, many of the remaining Elves become Court Wizards or Advisers to the Kings of Man.

  - Illenzarii (Tiefling), Accursed Men: Many Fallen Magi wished to "perfect" men and make them their slaves; one outcome of this was the Illenzarii. After a Magi (whose name has been lost to time) built his home in a dormant volcano, he became obsessed with fire. He desperately tried to replicate the Pheonix Firebird's elemental fire, performing twisted magic on his cult of followers, who became the first Illenzarii. The children of this first generation are forever marked by the curse of the Magi, and only find peace when they are near a fire. They hate the cold with a passion, and will avoid a Frost Elemental or Elementalist at all costs. They are treated with suspicion by most communities, and when a barn-fire or other arson occurs, they are immediately indicated. Illenzarii lead difficult lives in the Kingdoms of Man, but can live happily with others of their kind, among Dragon Clans or Elemental Forces, or other outcasts such as orcs.

  - Orcs, Twisted Warriors: Many of the strongest of the Wild Men suffered the same fate as the Illenzarii. When their tribes were dominated by Fallen Magi, the best fighters were immediately singled out. They were made to fight each other, kill each other, and feast on each other's raw flesh until they started to change from man into beast. When the weak were culled from the roster, the Fallen Magi cast their spells. The survivors' flesh was darkened, their lower canines grew to tusks, and their eyes were tinted yellow and red. The victims screamed in agony as they changed, as they became twisted and murderous in appearance as well as in act. They cried out for mercy, but there was none for them, for they had chosen to kill each other, and to cannibalize their own friends and brothers. Once the deed was done, some accepted their fate, and devoted themselves to their Fallen Magi Overlords. Other, however, rebelled, and tried to fight their way to freedom. Many died in the process, but some made it out, and did their best to create new homes and atone for their misdeeds. After the Magi were banished beyond the Veil, the orcs loyal to them lost their purpose,and began to raid and pillage to sate their blood-lust. They earned a reputation as savage murderers, and any orc that was spotted by the town watch or militia was chased away, regardless of intent. Only the remnants of their old clans accepted the atoning orcs, and they survive together in the corrupted lands that they call home.

  - Dragons, Legendary Creatures: The Dragon Lords were placed on Kreatora's continent to keep the great monsters that threaten man in check. Their children (Normal Dragons) share in their mission, squaring off against krakens, giants, and other monsters, keeping them occupied while the heroes they were made to test are ready to face them. Dragons are able to use magic similar to the Magi's, and have the natural ability to polymorph into humanoid form. Sometimes, Dragons fall in love with Noble Warriors or Powerful Kings. They appear in humanoid form to court this mortal, and only reveal themselves as Dragons when their chosen one comes to love them back. Any children this type of couple has is a Dragonite (Dragonborn). These Dragonites look like whatever race their humanoid parent is from, with the addition of scales on their neck, back, and forearms. They are able to use magic, breath their Dragon Parent's element, and can learn how to sprout wings. Some of the greatest Dragonites are even able to take on Dragon Form, with the correct training.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Land of Kreatora: a Home-Brew Setting for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, Part 1

The History of Kreatora

  - I've spent a lot of time mulling over some ideas I had for different types of magic and Knightly Orders and such, and I decided to connect them all to a single world so I could organize them better. This turned our to be a great idea, and now I have an expansive world with lore written down on about 50 different pieces of paper.

  - The world in question is a land of Magic and Mystery, created by One and inhabited by many. Instead of a Pantheon of Gods, there is but one, and his hosts of Stars, Mystic Angels who guide the earthbound races and Mythic Heroes who ascended to Sainthood through their Legendary Deeds. Of equal rank and majesty to the Stars are the Dragon Lords and the Elemental Forces, Servants of The One who walk Kreatora while remaining in the Heavens in the same instant. And below these, there once was a Mysterious race of beings known to Man as the Magi.

  - These Magi once stood among men as equals, and where once meant to assist the Kings of Men in a way the Stars couldn't from their seats in the Heavens. Many Magi fulfilled their duty, becoming advisers, viziers, and sometimes consorts to the rulers of the young world. However, some Magi grew power-hungry, and used their Magic to forge kingdoms and empires beneath them, living off of the worship given to them by their subjects. They preyed on and perverted men into mindless, hideous beasts, mere vestiges of their former selves. These they twisted even more into murderous killing machines, meant to wage war on the Valiant remains of the Human Kingdoms and their Loyal Magi. They engineered terrifying constructs and devastating weapons utilizing a combination of Iron, black powder, and magic.

  - They governed much of the known world till the Prophet Astar formed a pact with the Loyal Magi on behalf of The One and his Stars. The Loyal Magi understood that the Magi as a whole had failed their mission, and must pay the price. Through Astar, the Stars promised to form a new layer of the world for the Magi, with the blessing of The One. This layer, called the Veil, was a place from which the Magi could observe and indirectly affect the Kingdoms of Man, without being able to directly force change or take control. The Loyal Magi agreed to Exile themselves along with the rest, as they realized what they could have done to avoid this predicament, and understood that they must share the blame.

  - With the help of the remaining Kings of Men, the Prophet and Loyal Magi formed a plan. The Loyal Magi would call for a Council atop Mount Solace, on the border between the Old Kingdoms and the Magi Empires. There, the great powers of both sides would negotiate a truce. While the negotiations took place, a group of Magi, their Elven Kin, and Astar would begin to weave a great spell, to seal all Magi in the Veil, and thus end the turmoil that held the world in it's grasp. However, when the ritual began, the Fallen Magi suddenly knew that the negotiations were a trap, and began to attack all those present at the summit. Astar knew this would happen, and had told his apprentices, the Star Seers and Sentinels, to remain hidden until the battle began. Once the treachery was uncovered, they leaped into action, creating a barrier around the Kings and the spell-weavers, and deflected as many spells as they could. The Fallen Magi, knowing the nature of the spell being cast, desperately hurled massive, corrupt spells that desecrated the land and twisted all life. The Seers and Sentinels stayed strong, and not a single corruption passed through their shield. These spells decayed the land and made it unfit for plowing or grazing, and corrupted or killed all that lived there.

  - As the Fallen Magi where turned away time and time again, the ritual neared completion. As soon as the final word was spoken, and the final prayer was offered, the Magi began to fade from sight. Farewells were spoken, and tears where shed as the Realms' greatest defenders and sages left the world. But there was much rejoicing and prayers of thanks where offered as the Fallen where banished beyond the Veil. Thus, the world was once again returned to man, and a new Age began.